details: 'it is the current year'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Humanthe.onemanteam (green | 101 APM | 569 actions | 05:37)
Hero icon 1 Mountain King
Ability icon 1 Storm Bolt

» actions
Assign group hotkey12
Basic commands2
Build / train21
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu19
Enter hero's abilities submenu1
Right click218
Select / deselect89
Select group hotkey185
Use ability20
569 total
» units
13 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower4
Guard Tower6
Arcane Vault1
18 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Kings
00:12 Farm
00:57 Blacksmith
01:06 Barracks
01:26 Farm
01:57 Farm
02:26 Lumber Mill
03:35 Scout Tower
03:59 Guard Tower
04:01 Scout Tower
04:20 Scout Tower
04:23 Guard Tower
04:40 Guard Tower
04:40 Guard Tower
04:41 Scout Tower
05:01 Guard Tower
05:02 Guard Tower
05:04 Arcane Vault
Random» Orcwzw (pink | 53 APM | 297 actions | 05:37)
Hero icon 1 Blademaster
Ability icon 1 Wind Walk

» actions
Assign group hotkey3
Build / train27
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu7
Enter hero's abilities submenu1
Give item / drop item2
Right click136
Select / deselect33
Select group hotkey71
Use ability16
297 total
» units
15 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow2
Voodoo Lounge2
War Mill1
8 total
» build order
00:12 Altar of Storms
00:23 Orc Burrow
00:54 Voodoo Lounge
01:08 War Mill
02:24 Orc Burrow
02:39 Stronghold
05:10 Fortress
05:15 Voodoo Lounge
» items
Healing Salve2
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Scroll of Speed1
Staff of Teleportation1
Boots of Speed1
Circlet of Nobility1
8 total
Random» Undeadgofcukurself (red | 26 APM | 144 actions | 05:37)
Hero icon 1 Death Knight
Ability icon 1 Death Coil

» actions
Assign group hotkey1
Basic commands30
Build / train22
Enter build submenu7
Enter hero's abilities submenu1
Right click46
Select / deselect28
Use ability9
144 total
» units
Crypt Fiend8
16 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack1
1 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Nerubian Tower2
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead1
10 total
» build order
00:41 Ziggurat
00:48 Altar of Darkness
00:51 Crypt
01:06 Ziggurat
01:31 Graveyard
01:35 Nerubian Tower
01:53 Tomb of Relics
02:09 Nerubian Tower
02:37 Ziggurat
05:05 Halls of the Dead
Random» (blue | 101 APM | 569 actions | 05:37)
Hero icon 2 Lich
Ability icon 1 Frost Nova
Ability icon 1 Dark Ritual

» actions
Assign group hotkey10
Basic commands27
Build / train29
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu8
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Right click107
Select / deselect95
Select group hotkey269
Use ability21
569 total
» units
16 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead2
8 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Darkness
00:14 Ziggurat
00:34 Crypt
01:07 Tomb of Relics
01:18 Ziggurat
01:27 Graveyard
03:37 Halls of the Dead
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
1 total
team 2
NightElfkyenichi (orange | 78 APM | 416 actions | 05:20)
Hero icon 1 Keeper of the Grove
Ability icon 1 Force of Nature

» actions
Assign group hotkey4
Basic commands3
Build / train21
Enter build submenu8
Enter hero's abilities submenu1
Right click169
Select / deselect188
Select group hotkey9
Use ability13
416 total
» units
17 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well2
Ancient of War1
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of Wonders1
Tree of Ages1
7 total
» build order
00:18 Altar of Elders
00:32 Moon Well
01:14 Ancient of War
01:27 Moon Well
01:54 Hunter's Hall
02:03 Ancient of Wonders
03:39 Tree of Ages
» items
Dust of Appearance1
1 total
NightElfsell.puff (yellow | 39 APM | 200 actions | 05:11)
Hero icon 2 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Evasion
Ability icon 1 Mana Burn

» actions
Basic commands1
Build / train28
Enter build submenu7
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Right click85
Select / deselect66
Use ability11
200 total
» units
20 total
» buildings
Moon Well4
Altar of Elders1
Ancient of War1
Tree of Ages3
Hunter's Hall1
10 total
» build order
00:07 Moon Well
00:08 Altar of Elders
00:48 Ancient of War
01:29 Moon Well
02:42 Tree of Ages
02:43 Tree of Ages
02:43 Tree of Ages
03:52 Moon Well
03:58 Hunter's Hall
04:05 Moon Well
Random» UndeadIDGAFanymore (teal | 32 APM | 127 actions | 04:00)

» actions
Build / train11
Enter build submenu6
Remove unit from queue1
Right click48
Select / deselect46
Use ability15
127 total
» units
9 total
» buildings
Halls of the Dead1
Altar of Darkness1
6 total
» build order
00:55 Necropolis
00:58 Crypt
01:01 Ziggurat
01:12 Graveyard
02:07 Halls of the Dead
03:02 Altar of Darkness
HumanTech2Tier2&Chil (purple | 4 APM | 24 actions | 05:37)

» actions
Build / train1
Right click11
Select / deselect12
24 total
» buildings
1 total
» build order
00:44 Keep

Chat log

(01:41 / Allies) IDGAFanymore: what uniot purple?
(02:00 / Allies) Tech2Tier2&Chil: Uniot?
(02:05 / Allies) IDGAFanymore: unit
(02:08 / Allies) Tech2Tier2&Chil: Unit?
(02:12 / Allies) IDGAFanymore: caster mort ?
(02:15 / Allies) sell.puff: hypp rides
(02:27 / Allies) Tech2Tier2&Chil: Oh, nothing like that. No.
(02:42 / Allies) IDGAFanymore: so youre bsing
(02:44 / Allies) IDGAFanymore: ok im out
(02:46 / Allies) Tech2Tier2&Chil: Bsing?
(02:48 / Allies) sell.puff: what
(02:54 / Allies) IDGAFanymore: hes gonna tech then go afk
(02:57 / Allies) IDGAFanymore: seen it done before
(03:02 / Allies) sell.puff: owhp
(03:04 / Allies) Tech2Tier2&Chil: I'm not going afk. I'll be present here to chat
(03:13 / All) IDGAFanymore: gg purples a loser
(03:19 / Allies) sell.puff: il chims
(03:19 / All) Tech2Tier2&Chil: Tier2Techer was here
(03:24 / Allies) sell.puff: and win by myself
(03:26 / All) IDGAFanymore: im out
(03:36 / All) Tech2Tier2&Chil: You're being a baby
(03:38 / All) IDGAFanymore: bser game
(03:41 / Allies) sell.puff: stfu
(03:42 / All) Tech2Tier2&Chil: A baby back bitch one could venture
(03:43 / All) wzw: leave
(03:45 / All) IDGAFanymore: dude your life is taht sad
(03:51 / All) IDGAFanymore: in 2017 u logged on to sit here?
(03:51 / All) Tech2Tier2&Chil: What's your problem?
(03:58 / All) IDGAFanymore: wow thast the saddest shit i ever heard purple
(03:59 / All) Tech2Tier2&Chil: What does it matter waht year it is?
(04:07 / All) Tech2Tier2&Chil: Sheesh
(04:18 / All) Tech2Tier2&Chil: Must be a Jon Oliver or Justin Trudeau fan
(04:36 / Allies) sell.puff: tapette
(04:48 / All) wzw: dick sucker
(04:48 / Allies) Tech2Tier2&Chil: he was teh bser
(04:57 / Allies) Tech2Tier2&Chil: What a hypocrite!
(05:14 / All) the.onemanteam: gg
(05:14 / All) kyenichi: fail
(05:14 / All) lol
(05:16 / All) kyenichi: xD
(05:31 / All) Tech2Tier2&Chil: hey gg, I had a newb team sorry we couldn't put up more of a fight